California Reverse Phone Lookup

About California - CA

The State of California is a state on the western Pacific coast of the United States, with the state government in Sacramento. It is bordered by Oregon in the north, Nevada and Arizona in the east, Mexico in the south, and the Pacific Ocean in the west. The area is 411013km2 and its name is taken from the name of a small island in the Spanish legend.

General information

  • Capital: Sacramento
  • State: California
  • Largest city: Los Angeles
  • Area: 163,696 sq mi (423,970 km2)
  • Population: 39,250,017
  • Website:
  • Latitude:: 32°32′ N to 42° N
  • Longitude: 114°8′ W to 124°26′ W

California contains the following city code

935 764 752 628 627 369 341 951 949 925 916 909 858 831 818 805 760 747 714 707 669 661 657 650 626 619 562 559 530 510 442 424 415 408 323 310 213 209