Where is Area Code 807 Belong?
Area code 807 was first put in service January 1, 1962. Currently, the largest city it serves is Kenora, ON, and it overlaps coverage areas with area code .
Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: Ontario - ON.
Cities in area code 807:
Armstrong, Atikokan, Balmertown, Barwick, Beardmore, Bears Passage, Bearskin Lake, Big Trout Lake, Caramat, Cat Lake, Clearwater Bay, Cloud Bay, Cochenour, Deer Lake, Devlin, Dorion, Dryden, Eagle River, Ear Falls, Emo, Flanders, Fort Frances, Fort Hope, Fort Severn, Geraldton, Grassy Narrows, Gull Bay, Hemlo, Hornepayne, Hudson, Ignace, Jaffray-Melick, Jellicoe, Kaministiquia, Kasabonika, Keewatin, Kenora, Kingfisher Lake, Lac La Croix, Lansdowne House, Longlac, Macdiarmid, Madsen, Manitouwadge, Marathon, McKenzie Portage, Minaki, Mine Centre, Morson, Muskrat Dam, Nakina, Nestor Falls, Nipigon, Ogoki, Oxdrift, Pass Lake, Perrault Falls, Pickle Lake, Pikangikum, Poplar Hill (Kenora Dist), Rainy River, Raith, Red Lake, Red Rock, Redditt, Sachigo Lake, Sandy Lake, Sapawe, Savant Lake, Schreiber, Shebandowan, Sioux Lookout, Sioux Narrows, Stratton, Summer Beaver, Terrace Bay, Thunder Bay, Upsala, Vermilion Bay, Wabigoon, Weagamow, Webequie, White River, Whitedog, Wunnummin Lake.
Related phone operators in Area Code 807:
Bell Aliant Regional Communications, Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Dryden Municipal Telephone System, ExaTEL Inc., Fido Solutions Inc., Iristel Inc., Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Kenora Municipal Telephone System, NorthernTel Limited Partnership (Mobility), Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless), Shaw Telecom Inc., TELUS Mobility, Thunder Bay Telephone.
What Time Zone is Area Code 807?
The 807 area code is located at Eastern / Central Time Zone (or EDT).. The current time is 05:42 am on Mar-23-2025.
Area Code 807 Information
- Country: Canada
- State: Ontario - ON
- Location: Thunber Bay
- Population:
- Timezone: Eastern / Central
- Latitude:: 51°15'13.59" N
- Longitude: 85°19'23.57" W