Where is Area Code 782 Belong?
Area code 782 was first put in service November 30, 2014. Currently, it is one of only 3 area codes that cross state or province lines, and it overlaps coverage areas with area code 902.
Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: Nova Scotia - NS.
Cities in area code 782:
The entire provinces of Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, including the larger communities of Charlottetown, Montague and Summerside in Prince Edward Island, and the larger communities of Amherst, Antigonish, Barrington, Bridgewater, Dartmouth, Halifax, Kentville, New Glasgow, Sydney in Nova Scotia.
Related phone operators in Area Code 782:
What Time Zone is Area Code 782?
The 782 area code is located at Atlantic Time Zone (or EDT).. The current time is 03:51 am on Mar-01-2025.
Area Code 782 Information
- Country: Canada
- State: Nova Scotia - NS
- Location: Mulgrave
- Population:
- Timezone: Atlantic
- Latitude::
- Longitude: