Where is Area Code 689 Belong?

The 689 Area Code (or Area Code 689) is located in the state of FL. Area Code 689 is one of the 269 3-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 162 unique phone numbers and 165 individuals near the city of

Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: Florida - FL.

Cities in area code 689:

Springfield, Lakeland, Las Vegas, Glendale, Charlestown, Wichita Falls, Cogswell, Longview, Phoenix, Saint Louis, Riverside, Blackwood, Warren, Dallas, Orlando, Oklahoma City, Portland, Peru, West Roxbury, Hazel Park, Bridgeton, Biloxi, Forked River, Strong City, Canandaigua, Philadelphia, Kansas City, San Antonio, Arlington, Texarkana, Desoto, Delray Beach, East Amherst, Austin, Eden, Tucson, Euless, Elmira, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Longwood, Whitmore Lake, Farmingdale, Manassas, Middle Point, Waterbury, Plano, Nutley, Irvington, Flowery Branch, Columbus, Chaska, Jackson, Lincolnton, Kissimmee, Reno, Denver, Amarillo, Omaha, Wauconda, Chillicothe, Boston, Syracuse, Lenora, Topeka, Ada, Knoxville, Cherry Hill, Chico, La Crosse, Newark, Nacogdoches, Fox River Grove, Imperial Beach, Mooresville, Cary, San Gabriel, Frankfort, Hobbs, Lithonia, Conroe, Hopatcong, Lawrence Township, Vienna, Chester, Winfield, Fort Collins, Houston, Comstock Park, Des Plaines, Austell, Saugatuck, Washington, Eugene, Brooklyn, Hampton, Bakersfield, Bristol, Mesa, Drayden, Trenton, Provo, Information Provider, New York.

Related phone operators in Area Code 689:

What Time Zone is Area Code 689?

The 689 area code is located at Time Zone (or EDT).. The current time is 11:04 am on Mar-23-2025.

Area Code 689 Information

  • Country: United States
  • State: Florida - FL
  • Location: Orlando
  • Population:
  • Timezone:
  • Latitude::
  • Longitude:

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