Where is Area Code 613 Belong?
Area code 613 serves Ottawa and surrounding eastern Ontario, Canada. It is one of the original area codes created in 1947. 10-digit dialing is necessary in the 613 area code, and projections for number exhaustion have prompted plans to implement a new area code overlay, 343.
Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: Ontario - ON.
Cities in area code 613:
Adolphustown, Alexandria, Alfred, Almonte, Arden, Arnprior, Athens, Avonmore, Bancroft, Barry's Bay, Bath, Beachburg, Belleville, Bloomfield, Bourget, Brighton, Brockville, Calabogie, Cardiff, Cardinal, Carleton Place, Carp, Casselman, Chalk River, Chesterville, Clarence Creek, Cobden, Coe Hill, Constance Bay, Cornwall, Crysler, Cumberland, Deep River, Delta, Denbigh, Deseronto, Douglas, Eganville, Elgin, Embrun, Enterprise, Finch, Foymount, Frankford, Gananoque, Gilmour, Glen Robertson, Gloucester, Golden Lake, Harrowsmith, Hawkesbury, Ingleside, Inverary, Iroquois, Jockvale, Kanata-Stittsville, Kemptville, Killaloe, Kingston, L'Orignal, Lanark, Lancaster, Lansdowne, Long Sault, Maberly, Madoc, Maitland, Mallorytown, Manotick, Marmora, Martintown, Maxville, Maynooth, McDonalds Corners, Merrickville, Metcalfe, Moose Creek, Morrisburg, Napanee, Navan, Newburgh, North Augusta, North Gower, Northbrook, Odessa, Orleans, Osgoode, Ottawa-Hull, Pakenham, Palmer Rapids, Parham, Pembroke, Pembroke Independent, Perth, Petawawa, Picton, Plantagenet, Plevna, Portland, Prescott, Renfrew, Richmond, Rockland, Rolphton, Russell, Seeleys Bay, Selby, Sharbot Lake, Smiths Falls, South Mountain, Spencerville, St-Regis, St. Eugene, St. Isidore, Stirling, Sydenham, Tamworth, Thurlow, Toledo, Trenton, Tweed, Vankleek Hill, Verona, Wellington, Westmeath, Westport, Whitney, Williamsburg, Winchester, Wolfe Island, Wooler, Yarker.
Related phone operators in Area Code 613:
Allstream Inc., Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Bragg Communications Inc., DAVE Wireless, Distributel, Durham.net Inc (o/a Telnet Communications), ExaTEL Inc., Fibernetics Corporation, Fido Solutions Inc., Globalstar, ISP Telecom, Iristel Inc., Lansdowne Rural Telephone Ltd., NRTC Communications, North Frontenac Telephone Company, North Renfrew Telephone Company Ltd., Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc., Rogers Communications Partnership (Cable), Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless), Roxborough Telephone Company Ltd., TELUS Integrated Communications, TELUS Mobility, Videotron General Partnership, WIND Mobile Corp., Westport Telephone Company Limited, Westport Telephone Company Ltd..
What Time Zone is Area Code 613?
The 613 area code is located at Eastern Time Zone (or EDT).. The current time is 11:36 am on Mar-22-2025.
Area Code 613 Information
- Country: Canada
- State: Ontario - ON
- Location: Ottawa
- Population:
- Timezone: Eastern
- Latitude::
- Longitude: