Where is Area Code 514 Belong?
Area code 514 is one of the original 86 area codes created by AT&T and the Bell System in 1947. It originally served western half of Quebec including Montreal. In 1998, area code 450 was created as an overlay to area code 514. In 2006, area code 438 was created as an overlay to area code 514. Currently, the largest city it serves is Montreal, QC, and it overlaps coverage areas with area code 438.
Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: Quebec - QC.
Cities in area code 514:
Ile-Perrot, Lachine, Montreal, Pointe-Claire, Roxboro, Ste-Genevieve.
Related phone operators in Area Code 514:
9163-7918 Quebec Inc, Allstream Inc., Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Distributel, Fibernetics Corporation, Fido Solutions Inc., ISP Telecom, Iristel Inc., Maskatel, Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc., Rogers Communications Partnership (Cable), Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless), TELUS Mobility, TELUS Quebec, Videotron General Partnership, YAK Communications (Canada) Corp..
What Time Zone is Area Code 514?
The 514 area code is located at Atlantic Time Zone (or EDT).. The current time is 02:55 am on Mar-01-2025.
Area Code 514 Information
- Country: Canada
- State: Quebec - QC
- Location: Montreal
- Population:
- Timezone: Atlantic
- Latitude::
- Longitude: