301-404-2579 Caller information
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Report 3014042579 caller ID information. Find 301-404-2579 the full name, address, email and credit report of the caller in "records unlock". If you have accurate information, please mark whether the number is safe and leave your feedback. The following is the feedback left by other users. Hope it helps you judge whether the number is safe?Basic Information
- Area code: 301
- Subcode: 301-404
- City: Beltsville
- State: Maryland - MD
- Country: United States
- Latitude: 39.06
- Longitude: -76.89
- Ocn: 6664
- Zip: 20708
- Lata: 236
- Current Time: Eastern (14:08:35)
- Dialed in the U.S.: 1 (301) 404-2579 / 3014042579
- International:: +1 (301) 404-2579 / 001 (301) 404-2579
(301) 404-2579 Recent Activity ( This page only displays the last 5 marked records in chronological order )
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3014042579 | Post by: Guest *** |
For starters he’s now going by the name jason bryant ! He will tell you that his birthday is March 30th and that he’s turning 30. His story is that he just moved to (Maryland) 6 months ago and that he’s from the west coast . He’ll say his mom is a Obgyn and that his dad is a lawyer . He’ll tell you that both his mom and dad were in a gang but some how turned their life around . He’ll tell you about being molested by a babysitter at a young age . He’ll tell you all of this within the first week of talking . He now drives a black Porsche. He will tell you that he works for a unknown company that’s between the CIA and the FBI . He claims his occupation is a cyber security manager for the White House . He says that he used to play basketball at UCLA but do to a hand injury he changed professions . He’ll tell you within the first week that he’s a man that knows what he wants and that he wants you to meet his family . He’ll go over conversations that he’s supposedly had with his mother in hopes to Whoo you in . He will tell you that you’re not allowed to come to his house just yet because his job has to call and interview you over the phone and then you’d meet his guards at a gate and they’d put you on some list . The shit is bogus ! He’s a narcissistic sociopath. It’s honestly sickening and i think he believes his own lies . He’s very excessive with communicating . In the first beginning he will love bomb you , he calls excessively and leaves endless voicemails . He will text and call you now stop . He’s very impulsive with plans because he has to plan around his wife and kids but you’ll just take it as him being spontaneous. He will beg you to be his girlfriend within the first few days of talking and overwhelm you with the idea of a long time relationship. He’ll have you do some crazy and test where he wants you to close your eyes and hold his hands and tell him what you feel inside . He will try to kiss you on the first date . He will ask you about having babies very early on and he’ll ask you how you feel about marriage . He says that he lives in Rockville area but sometimes he says Bethesda. He likes to wear suits and different pins on his suit jacket . When you aak him to see his Id it’ll catch him off guard and he won’t let you see it and he’ll dismiss your feelings . He’ll tell you that the reason why he cannot send you pictures of him is because of his job . If you ask why he hasn’t dated any one he’ll tell you it’s because he’s particular about women and because of his job he’s not allowed to date more that one women at a time . He’ll tell you that his job made him sign a contract saying that he cannot have social media , he’s not allowed to be drunk in public . He’ll say that the only social media that he has is gmail . He’ll say that his brother works for biotech . He’s about 6’5 and a little over 200 lbs he has scars on both of his thighs . He’ll tell you that the scars are from him falling into hot tar on a mission . He now uses the phone number 301-717-8862 . Do not believe a word this man says his name isn’t Jason ! His name is mark balogun. You can find his wife on Facebook as well . On his wife’s Facebook there’s picture of them two together on their wedding day . He’s also not 30 he’s well over 40 . Please stay away from him !
Many unknown calls are disguised by scams, spammers, and telemarketers. For your safety, please do not call them or share your bank or personal details with them.
If you want to report that the number 3014042579 is a phone scam, sales or you are often harassed by the number 3014042579! First report the security level of this phone number 5017707111. Your rating will help others to check for suspicious numbers.
The phone number 5017707111 can be written in many domestic and international formats. E.g 3014042579 or 301-404-2579 or (301) 404-2579 or +13014042579 or +1301-404-2579 or +1(301) 404-2579 or 0013014042579 or 001-301-404-2579 or 001-(301) 404-2579. Hope we can provide you with the information you are looking for. If you encounter any problems, please feel free to contact us.
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Unwanted Call Complaints
Consumers suffer losses due to mobile phone fraud every month, millions or more per month! Therefore, we have established this sharing platform. You can share phone numbers that you think are suspicious. If the scam has occurred, please file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission.
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